Meeting to form a Wide Bay branch

  • 4 Dec 2019
  • 18:00 - 20:00
  • The Spotted Dog Tavern, 217 Bourbong St, Bundaberg

Meeting to form a Wide Bay branch of Australian Native Bee Association

Tony Harvey and Sharon Davies would like to invite interested persons from the Wide Bay area in Queensland to a meeting to consider forming a branch of Australian Native Bee Association (ANBA).

When: 4 December 2019, 6 pm

Where: The Spotted Dog tavern, 217 Bourbong St, Bundaberg. 

For more details, call Tony on 0499 027 115 and leave a message, or email

The Australian Native Bee Association Inc. (ANBA) aims to build a dynamic member-based organisation dedicated to protecting all native bees (not only stingless bees), protecting our members and providing great learning resources and social experiences.

The cost of joining the ANBA is $50 per annum for standard membership or $100 for industry membership. Join the ANBA here:

The benefits of joining this association include:

  • ·         Public Liability Insurance for meetings and field days,
  • ·         Access to a website where newsletters and high quality information will be available for all members to view and share on other social media platforms,
  • ·         Networking opportunities and a contact hub to connect beekeepers together to share experiences and information on bee diversity, people, climates, habitats, techniques and ideas,
  • ·         A discount to the annual native bee conference.
  • ·         A discount to workshops.

The ANBA is registered to operate nationwide, but we encourage LOCAL BRANCHES to form. Upon joining the association, members choose to affiliate with a local branch or remain unaffiliated. Branches can raise and manage their own funds. Five branches (Brisbane, Rockhampton, Gladstone, Sydney and Mid North Coast NSW) have already voted to form. Branches retain some autonomy but need to follow a few guidelines as stated under The Rules of the ANBA. Steps to form a branch:

  • ·         One or two local people need to prepare to form a branch. They should inform their intentions to the ANBA secretary, Trevor Weatherhead (0427 960735,
  •        The local organisers should plan a meeting of the potential branch and set a date and place. The local organisers should recruit two or more people to form the branch executive.
  • ·         A meeting of the potential branch needs to be called with the aim of voting to form a branch and to elect an executive. The meeting should be advertised locally and widely through the ANBA.
  • ·         There needs to be a minimum of five (5) financial members of ANBA present at the meeting
  • ·         The organiser should put a motion to form a branch
  • ·         The organiser should put a motion to elect the branch executive (Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer or Secretary and Treasurer plus other officers as appropriate. The duties of the Branch Secretary include keeping proper books and accounts and preparing annual statements.)
  • ·         At this meeting there needs to be a record kept of those in attendance, the mover and seconder of the motions and the results of the votes.
  • ·         These details need to be forwarded to the Secretary of the ANBA.
  • ·         The Branch is entitled to nominate a person to the Management Committee of the ANBA.

More detailed guidelines can be found here: