Bee part of the World of Bees, for World Bee Day
20 May 2024
Happy World Bee Day! 20 May 2024
Do you want to know more about our Australian native bees?
Do you want to Bee part of a group of likeminded, bee lovers?
Why not join the Australian Native Bee Association?
There are over 2,000 native bees in Australia that contribute to the pollination of plants and biodiversity of our urban, agricultural and natural environments.
How can you find out more about Australian native bees? It’s easy, no matter where you are in Australia you can access our website and participate in our online programs. ANBA -
We also have branches in the Northern Territory, Qld and NSW. Our friendly groups provide community education and advocacy through active participation, with workshops, newsletters, online education talks.
To find out more, visit our website ANBA - and join us. Or find a World Bee Day Native Bee event near you by going to our events Calander and finding an event near you here Australian Native Bee Association Inc. - Event Calendar
For further information or to arrange an interview ABNA Management Committee member, please contact
Photo credit:
Tetragonula carbonaria
Australian social, stingless bee by Shannon Lev, Sydney 2024. – Insta-meinsta17