Native Bee Workshop by Dr. Tobias Smith – Coffs Harbour April 6

  • 6 Apr 2024
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary, 65 Orlando St, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
  • 5


  • Only use this ticket type if you are a Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary staff member

Registration is closed

This workshop is presented by Dr. Tobias Smith, a native bee researcher, university lecturer, community educator and professional stingless bee keeper.

In this 3-hour workshop Tobias will introduce us to the amazing diversity of Australia's native bees.

The first part of the workshop focuses on the secret lives of solitary bees, such as blue banded bees, cuckoo bees, leaf cutter bees and many others. The workshop then moves on to the honey-making native stingless bees and how to keep them in boxes.

The workshop includes a practical demonstration in which a live stingless bee hive is opened, and participants can see inside and taste the honey. The workshop also covers other topics, including conservation of native bees, making bee hotels, and supporting native bees in gardens.

The workshop will commence at 2pm on Saturday the 6th of April at the Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary in Coffs Harbour.

Price for members of the Australian Native Bee Association is $25, non-members $45. If you are not yet a member, join here,, wait until you are approved, then return to buy ticket.

Tea and coffee will be provided. Food can be purchased at the Peckish Penguin Café on site.

Contact Lena

General enquiries

We look forward to seeing you there!