Brisbane branch August meeting

  • 6 Aug 2023
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Bulimba Community Centre, 1 Barramul St, Bulimba, Brisbane

The main speaker will be Steve Flavel, followed by the branch AGM. 

Searching for the Holy Grail” of the perfect native bee hive box”, by Steve Flavel

Abstract: Steve will present his preliminary results ofn his testing of various native bee hives for their insulating properties. He inserts probes into boxes precisely placed inside the brood chamber and the honey storage area. He records the temperatures through extreme climatic conditions revealing some of the best available information on the insulating ability of various hive materials.

Bio: Steve has kept native bees for 10 years, and taken a strong interest in box design, construction and performance, particularly insulation and durability. He is an author and creator of the website where the focus is on design and construction of unique native bee boxes and information about the native bee community. His native bee hobby allows him to combine his interests including woodworking and photography. Steve is the Web Administrator for the ANBA website, which he actively manages. Jump on and get updated.

After Steve’s talk we will hold our Brisbane branch Annual General meeting

Call for nominations for positions on the Brisbane branch executive

As announced in emails sent to members affiliated with the Brisbane branch, we call for nominations to following positions on our branch executive: ChairSecretary, Treasurer, Events coordinatorCommittee Members and Representative to ANBA Management Committee. If you are interested in serving on our executive, please send your nomination to Secretary Greg Shea, by 31 July. We are particularly interested in broad diversity and inclusion on our executive.

If we receive only one nomination for a position by the AGM, then that candidate will be declared elected. If we do not receive any written proposals, nominations may be taken from the floor of the Annual General meeting. If we receive multiple nominations for a position, then an election will be held by show of hands at the AGM. Only financial ANBA members who are affiliated with the branch are eligible to vote. Please make sure you have renewed your membership.

ANBA members can attend by Zoom, a link to join will be sent by email prior to the event