Native Bee Workshop, Lorne NSW

  • 5 Mar 2023
  • 10:00 - 16:00
  • Lorne Recreation Centre, Stewarts River Road, Lorne NSW
  • 3


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  • If you are not yet a member, join here wait until you are approved, then return to buy ticket.

Registration is closed

There are some 1,700 species of Australian Native Bees. Can you name ten? Most native bee species are solitary but some live in colonies including those we can keep in hives in our gardens. Come and learn more about our native bees noting that it is more essential than ever to get to know and understand these wonderful pollinators and their importance in our environment.

Tim’s stunning slide presentation will cover the topics of bee nesting biology, bee foraging behaviour, the diversity of wild bees and their importance in our environment. He will also tell us about traditional stingless beekeeping in other countries, modern stingless beekeeping in Australia, rescuing bees and much more.

Tim is an entomologist, ex-CSIRO research scientist and a long-term stingless bee keeper. He has presented workshops and seminars for more than 20 years on bees and keeping stingless bees in particular.  He is the author of The Australian Native Bee Book – a best seller and multi-award winner.

When: Sunday 5th March 2023

(POSTPONED FROM Saturday 28th January, 2023)

Time: 10am to 4pm (please arrive 9.30am sharp)

Where: Lorne Recreation Centre, Stewarts River Road, Lorne NSW 

What’s included: Tim’s comprehensive workshop, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Tim’s book and equipment etc. are extra.

For additional information or queries please contact

Diane Norris (Mid North Coast NSW chair) – mob: 0422 639 336