Coffs Harbour branch Annual General Meeting

  • 24 Jul 2022
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Coffs Harbour Botanical Gardens

Coffs Harbour branch Annual General Meeting

Where: Coffs Harbour Botanical Gardens

All positions - Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary - will be declared vacant and we encourage nominations for positions before or on the day.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

The theme of this meeting will be bee friendly gardens. We invite you to come along with your spare seeds and cuttings to swap, as well as your top tips for plants that you’ve found to be attractive to native bees in your garden. Monica will also show us her garden and hives.

Entry fee is $5 for non-members, gold coin donation for members please and there will be raffle tickets and prizes as well. Donations for raffles are always gratefully accepted!

Stephen Fowler has donated his fabulous native bee hive for a fundraiser silent auction. Some of you will remember him demonstrating its design and rationale behind some of its special features at a previous meeting.

If anyone was at the conference please share what you learnt or saw! 

Contact Secretary Alison with any questions,, or 0417 712 957.