Join us at the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Native Bee Association Inc.
All members have been notified by email. For those not able to attend you can access the meeting on Zoom. If you are not able to be present either by Zoom or room, you may give a proxy to another person to vote on your behalf. Election of the Management Committee will be held for the following positions, plus any the meeting may choose to put in place, need to be filled. All positions are vacant and people holding the positions currently are eligible for nomination, except for the position of President which can only be served for a maximum of one continuous annual term. • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer • Branch representatives Nominations for the positions 14 days prior to the meeting have now closed. We received nominations for all positions so we are not taking nominations from the floor. We plan to propose that other positions be created – Web Administrator, Membership Officer and two Committee Members. These will need to be done by a motion at the AGM.
Before the meeting you will receive a further communication including:
• Agenda
• Minutes of the last AGM, 6 Dec, 2020
• Audited financial statement
• Proposed changes to the Rules of the Australian Native Bee Association Inc.
• Nominations for the Management Committee
• Dial in details for Zoom
After our AGM, we will be have a talk from Ian Driver on “My Stingless Bee Journey”. Ian discovered stingless bees 10 years ago while greening up his family's life. Like many of us, he soon became besotted with our beautiful bees and has been on a journey of opportunity and discovery as he learnt more and more about his bees and made connections with the amazing people throughout the stingless bee community. Currently our ANBA Secretary, Ian will share some of his insights and learnings from his time working with bees and establishing his small business “A Green Soul Native Bees”.