The September monthly online event of the Australian Native Bee Association is coming to you from a macadamia nut farm in full flower. Learn about the intricacies of pollination, how flower biology and bee behaviour interact to produce a top crop. Discover the best way to manage bees on a farm for the mutual benefit of bees and food production. Dr Tim Heard will show you around a picturesque farm on the Sunshine Coast. Tim has a long-term interest in bees and crop pollination. He will explain how there is more to it than you might think, but it is an absorbing topic of great significance.
To attend simply go to the ANBA Facebook page at the date and time and you will see the event. The online events are interactive, attendees can ask questions by typing them on the post during the live stream.
Sunday 6-Sep-2020, 1-2 pm. All welcome, but please show your supporting by joining our association.